
And so these changes are coming very rapidly.
We're already implementing the blood test in our research studies and in clinical trials.  And already today, there are blood tests available to physicians to order for their patients to help aid in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.
In the future, I expect we'll be using these blood tests on a regular basis in the clinic to identify people who have Alzheimer's disease and one day maybe people who are at risk of Alzheimer's disease. By having that substantial financial commitment towards the fight against Alzheimer's, enormous progress has been made.
Another thing is that the kinds of trials that we're running now where we're testing multiple drugs in parallel at the same time, that's accelerating our ability to find effective treatments.
When I first started research in Alzheimer's disease, I never would have believed we would have made the incredible progress we have so far.
The commitment of the resources through NAPA (National Alzheimer's Project Act) and through the NIH (National Institutes of Health) have been transformational in research and are already advancing discoveries that are having an impact in not just how we do research, but now how we practice medicine.
 And I do think that the future is incredibly promising and hopeful that it may not be long before we have highly effective treatments that really make a difference for individual patients and their families with this kind of commitment.


9860 Mesa Rim Road,
San Diego, CA 92121
Phone: (858) 964-4644
Fax: (858) 622-1904

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