
Patients with Alzheimer's disease experience progressive memory loss and cognitive decline, resulting in difficulties with daily living activities. There is currently no cure for Alzheimer's disease, but clinical trials offer hope for patients and their families. If you or a loved one is living with Alzheimer's disease, joining a clinical trial may be an option to consider. But how do you know if you are eligible to participate? What questions should you ask before deciding if you want to participate? And what is the next step after you agree to join a clinical trial?

Eligibility for Alzheimer's Clinical Trials

First and foremost, the eligibility criteria for Alzheimer's clinical trials vary depending on the specific trial. However, there are some general requirements that most clinical trials share. For example, unless it is a preclinical trial, most trials will require participants to have a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease or another type of dementia. Additionally, the age, overall health, and stage of the disease may vary from trial to trial. Factors such as medication use, medical history, and current health status may also affect eligibility.

Questions to Ask the Research Team

Once you have identified an Alzheimer's trial that you are interested in, it is important to speak with the research team to determine if you are eligible and if the trial is the right fit for you. Here are some questions to ask the research team:

  • What is the purpose of the trial?
  • What are the possible benefits and risks of participating in the trial?
  • What is the protocol for the trial, and what will be required of me as a participant?
  • How long will the trial last, and how many visits will it require?
  • What is the expected timeline for results?
  • What are the costs associated with participation, and will my insurance cover them?
  • Will I still be able to see my current doctor and receive my current medications while participating in the trial?

Next Steps After Joining an Alzheimer's Clinical Trial

Once you have agreed to participate in an Alzheimer's clinical trial, there are several steps to prepare for the trial. The research team will provide you with detailed instructions on what to expect and what you need to do. Some tasks may include:

  • Undergoing a physical exam and laboratory tests to evaluate your overall health and disease progression.
  • Keeping a log of daily activities and symptoms.
  • Taking medication or receiving treatments as prescribed by the research team.
  • Attending scheduled visits for follow-up exams and tests.
  • Communicating regularly with the research team to report any changes or side effects.

Participating in an Alzheimer's clinical trial can offer valuable experiences for both patients and their families. By joining a clinical trial, you not only have the potential to contribute to finding a cure or improving the management of Alzheimer's disease, but you also gain access to state-of-the-art treatments and care. It is crucial to thoroughly assess your eligibility and maintain open communication with the research team to ensure that the trial aligns with your needs. If you choose to participate, be prepared to adhere to the protocol and regularly engage with the research team.

How Can You Participate?

Clinical trials are the gateway to understanding, treating, and preventing Alzheimer's Disease. Therefore, active participation from patients, caregivers, and volunteers is the backbone of any successful AD clinical trial. By participating, you play a direct role in pioneering solutions for Alzheimer’s. If you’re interested, consult with your primary healthcare providers, reach out to ATRI, or search for ongoing trials in your area.


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San Diego, CA 92121
Phone: (858) 964-4644
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